We are all in recovery, from anything that blocks us from being who we really are.
A definition of RECOVERY is the process of regaining possession of something lost or stolen.
HOW we recover is personal- from surgery to substance abuse, depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, etc. If we are lucky enough to receive therapeutic Care with a team of professionals, a treatment plan, structure, support and accountability We still have to do the work….
A definition of HEAL is to restore to wholeness.
…We do Heal, we recover, We remember who we are and flow into a life beyond our wildest dreams. However, without continuing care, accountability and support we might forget our source of stability, and like a delicate spider web, it all seems to fall apart…
Alysa Osvog believes in the power of personal choice, prioritizing what matters in little habits to create a quality life. It takes time to build sustainable recovery, And to stay strong, we need support.
in 2012 Alysa began her healing journey after suffering from addiction and dependency on more. More of anything that felt good and took the edge off, until more was never enough- and it all stopped working. In early recovery Alysa identified building blocks of consistent patterns to reconnect with what matters. These habits helped create a solid foundation, she remains committed to today. Alysa loves teaching simple tools for effective healing and recovery that lasts a lifetime.
Recovery is personal. We must create routines that spark our soul. Alysa developed a structure of practices that invite each individual to touch base with what matters for their body, mind and soul. Rather than stay in the ooey, gooey muck of transformation we are meant fly through limitations, know joy and enjoy life!