We cannot be anything we want, yet we can align our wants with what we have and become more of who we are. Poof like magic, life begins to make a bit more sense.

For example an expert in Archetypes, Robert Ohotto claims he really wanted to be Mary Lou Rhetton. Rather than try to compete in female gymnastics at the Olympics, he nurtured his Teacher, Creator, Intuitive and has successfully pioneered brilliant teachings many of us benifit from today. In the same respect many of us have callings or feel compelled to follow a path that requires change. If we don’t listen to those nudges, look at the root cause of illness, meaning of an injury, reason for an accident, our shadow archetypes will continue to deplete our power. If we draw attention to what is being asked of our soul, we learn how to plug into support through changes and embody archetypes that enhance our power.


In Ancient Greek Mythology the gods personified archetypes, in the same way they are depicted in modern movies and books. Plato explained ideas, forms or archetypes were imprinted in the soul before it was born into the world. Carl Jung defined archetypes as universal, inherited potentials from the collective unconscious, which are actualized when they enter consciousness as images or manifest in behavior. While we identify, personally with characteristics, it is also important to understand how our relationships reflect different aspects of ourselves and trigger shadow and light sides. 

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Relationships are mirrors for us to teach and learn. Through the language of archetypes we can meet one another with compassion, establish loving boundaries and honor freedom.

When we become aware of an archetype’s agenda, its capacity to be received and vice versa, we avoid unnecessary drama. We learn love languages to effectively communicate, anticipate others needs or even to recognize when our soul calls us to let go. Often we are in a relationship for a certain phase of development, if we grow together we stay together, through challenges and obstacles we are willing to support one another in become our true self, no matter what.


According to Carolyn Myss we all have four major survival Archetypes- child, victim, prostitute and saboteur. They played a key role in our early development. As adults if we are still operating from survival shadow archetypes we miss out. Inevitably in times of crisis we will revert to them, yet once we understand who they are, we learn how they shift into a more optimum role. Brilliantly depicted in The Wizard of Oz, we meet each character at a crossroads, operating from survival. They share a believe in something greater and empower  one another to transform shadows sides into forces of light, becoming more of who they are as individuals and stronger together. 

The study of archetypes is well spent research and development in business. Brands identify target markets based on archetypes. At times, all too well. One of the most profitable means of selling is a shame attack on our survival archetypes. For example our society's obsession with programs promising to deliver soul mates, wealth and weight-loss with the purchase of a their product that provides a false Power. Unregulated industries such as ‘coaching’ dangerously tread in this territory. Quality healthcare professionals don’t employ shame selling, they don’t have to. Please be aware when your shadow archetypes are triggered by a sales pitch. Flip the switch, turn on the light, reveal the Wizard behind the curtain and your soul will lead you home.

When we kindle our archetypes, we spark soul esteem, an ability to make our own fire and have nothing to be ashamed of. We are capable of dancing with our shadows without getting burned.


The wind will blow, the rain will come, and if we have the willingness to do the work, we ignite from within and stay contained, centered, and lit. Once we connect with soul, rather than ego esteem, our archetypes shift focus. Innately motivated to become more of who we are, we are enough.

We build coherence between the head and heart and naturally plug into sustainable sources of power. In turn we authentically share our gifts with others, without shame, we empower one another. And it feels so damn good ;)




Personal Archetypes and Astrology

Natal Chart reading- understand the luminary positions at birth, the archetypes relationships to your sign and how they shape your soul esteem. We explore Sacred Contracts, biology and biography to optimally envision key roles you are meant to shine and possible shadows that will challenge your callings. Learn tools to manage patterns and power play with your archetypes.

Relationship Compatibility and Small Group Dynamics 

Natal chart readings, compare individual archetypes and how they cooperate and drag into shadow territory. Possible to explore romantically, professionally and in families with communication styles, love languages, motivation and sense of safety. Learn helpful tools to achieve harmony and effectively bring out the best in one another.  

Strategic Business Alignment 

Astrological analysis of the business based on location, date of inception and future growth cycles. Explore current climate on a macro level to precisely prepare a solid sales forecast. Establish ethics and quality controls to efficiently operate with integrity and ensure sustainability. Appropriately align team, partnerships and customers based on their archetypal patterns.