Amidst the inconceivable chaos of Covid-19, I wasn't immune to the frenetic feelings of fear, bombarded with corona commentary, consiprancies, opinions and tempted down rabbit holes. I sought solace in one of my most trusted teachers, Carloyn Myss’ whose message soothed my soul like medicine. She explained the significance of the novel virus, without any spiritual bypass, daring us to look deeper into Universal Laws of Balance that need our attention. The entire world stopped, and to continue we must accept Wholism, that we are Interconnected and all in this together.
Each and every choice we make has consequences, that enhance or deplete our power, this awareness is consciousness. We have power grids to work within and patterns of behavior or Archetypes within us. When we have a better understanding of how to plug into sources that charge us up, without frying out, we do not become the effect of circumstances. Things don’t happen to us, we participate.
Chaos cycles are part of life, yet how we react to them is our choice. This era of the pandemics was predicted, the specifics are yet to be revealed yet the catastrophe and planetary push to pivot remains evident in the study of Astrology.
Myss referenced her astrologer, Robert Ohotto, who brilliantly explains spherical thinking in a 5D approach he developed as HoloKompass astrology. Merging astronomy, intuition, psychology, history with grounded information and practical guidance. We have contracts to bring forth light or darkness and we choose where to wield our power. It is important to understand our strengths, weaknesses to develop optimally with the world around us. If we have clues on a macro level what energy is shifting, we may be able to pivot accordingly on a micro level too.
Maybe you can relate to entering your stats online for a free natal chart reading to receive pages of forgien symbols and an overwhelming amount of words. While it was interesting, I failed to grasp how to use it in my life, because I didn’t understand all the information. I have begun to understand that astrology requires lots of information, like multiple languages all at once, to extract meaning we have to comprehend them all. Project-11 Astrological offerings deliver digestible wisdom with clear infographics, simple explanations and practical applications. We decipher and your astrological charts well beyond a computer’s capability.
Astrological OFFERINGS
Personal analysis of your Natal Chart based on the what was happening in the cosmos at the exact time and location of birth. We discover your Sun sign (main character) and how it plays with your Moon and other Luminaries (Supporting roles). We correlate your signs’ Archetypes (patterns of behavior) within their houses (set) that each have a specific vibe. I intuit ways to develop your light archetypes, (protaganist) offer guidance for dealing with shadow archetypes (antagonist) and your personal plot is revealed. You receive full reign to flip the script, be your own director, producer and star of you life story.
Cross reference two Natal Charts, analyze their harmonics with Signs, Luminaries, Houses and Archetypes. We specifically dive into styles of Communication, Drive, Self Care, Love and Money. We illuminate possible challenges and offer practical guidance to bring out the best in one another. You receive a deep understanding of your relationships’ capacity as complete individuals.
You choose three dates- 1 from the past- 2 fairly present and 3 future to examine the cosmos at those exact times with reference to your Natal Chart. You will learn deeper meaning from a prior circumstance that may have played a role in shifting your life path. You will position yourself optimally in present time. You will be prepared for possible obstacles to be opportunities, fully equipped with the tools to handle situations within your wheelhouse, literally ;)