Gateless Style Writing- warm and welcoming, simply show up on the screen and be guided- through a meditation that leads into a writing prompt- then free write your heart out. We circle back after about 10-15 minutes. All are invited to share- by sharing you receive only positive feedback, highlighting strengths in the work, echoing back the power of the written word. This helps reinforce that it is okay to be creative, to listen to that little voice within and build a relationship within ourselves.
As a child I scribbled in my Hello Kitty diary, not because anyone was telling me to, I enjoyed it. I found a way to share my secrets then safely lock them up with a tiny key that hid in my tooth fairy pillow. For decades, I kept various forms of journals, a few I dramatically burned once the pages were complete. Even through the grips of addiction, I wrote.
I poured on the pages desires and dreams perhaps beyond my realm of possibility, at the time. Yet journaling served as a lifeline for my soul to remember. Words helped me connect the dots of my journey, make a bit more sense of my script and take ownership of my life.
My writing always remained private, no pressure, no performance until I was invited on a retreat in Costa Rica. We surfed, did yoga, had dance parties, ate amazing food and wrote. All self proclaimed non-writers, our brilliance was undeniable. There was an electric power of the group, coming together, guided into a prompt then released to free flow. In silence we awakened dormant ideas, surprised our subconscious and felt safe enough to welcome the joy of scribbling in a diary. We touched those innermost ‘ahha’ moments in our own work, as well as hearing someone else share our story with giggles and goosebumps. I was in awe of the courage, vulnerability that showed up when the critic wasn't invited, without room for judgement we co-created with our mystic.
I continued learning from renowned authors at Esalen Writers Camps, attended several workshops, and enrolled in Gateless Academy, pioneered by Suzanne Kingsburry. An incredibly effective method of teaching, practicing and reinforcing brain science to unleash creative genius. I learned skills and fell in love with the process. I took her Teaching Certification to bring this healing form of release into my work at Treatment Centers and taught private Gateless Writing Salons.
Through tears and roaring laughter we learn from each other’s stories, just as our ancestors’ cherished medicine for thousands of years. While the mediums and muses change, our humanity will remain thread together by the power of the written word.
““I never considered myself a writer, I like Alysa’s yoga teaching style so enrolled in her writing workshop- Holy smokes! I was blown away by how insightful, therapeutic and fun it could be. Maybe it is the “salon”, the way people come together with her leadership that produces a worth while experience, each time.””